Monday, September 27, 2010

The Big #1

the cake
the smiles
the screams when we took the cake away
the new big girl bike
the two cutest little girls I know


Quite possibly one of the coolest bath toys ever invented...

I think it's safe to say it was a hit!
Thanks Rob & Brenda!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh how the time flies...

One year ago today I was sitting at my desk
counting the minutes between my contractions 
 trying not to jump around in excitement
I cannot believe how fast a year can pass
All the milestones that can be achieved
Smiling, giggling, sitting, crawling, talking & walking
It seem like only yesterday we brought you home from the hospital
in awe of this perfect little baby we were blessed with
And now we have an almost toddler
A crazy little girl
A girl who loves her big sister so

A girl who likes to snuggle, blow kisses & give hugs
A girl who likes to be goofy and will do anything for a laugh
A girl who can crack me up with just a look
A girl who will try anything set in front of her (dogfood included)

A girl who has stole our hearts so completely
And showed us how fun everyday can be
A girl who was so happy last night to be dressed up her sister's tutu & new head band

A girl who thought the funnest game in the world was to run away when I tried to take your picture

A girl that I love so much and thank God for everyday
Happy early bday Nolee!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ice Cream Night

Lilly did it.  She stayed in her bed for 5 nights.  She choose chocolate ice cream cones as her reward...I love that she has as big a sweet tooth as I do!
How can you not crack up at this face!

Pumpkin Picking

Well it's that time of year and we headed out to the pumpking patch for hay rides, pony rides and some good ol fashion country bumpkin fun!

Lilly was doing her grumpy face