Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Most people would probably call me crazy but I truly love living in Michigan.  I love the change of seasons and the fact that it is not an uncommon occurrence to drive to work with your heat on and on the way home be blasting the air conditioning.  I love the fact that we get to experience it all, from 100 plus degree summer days spent lazing around the pool and lake to sub zero temps with multiple feet of snow.

Winter is one of my favorite seasons.  What with the hot cocoa, sledding, snowmobiling, skiing, fort building and snowmen there is plenty to do.  Well plenty to do as long as there is snow actually on the ground.  This winter has been an odd one.  It started out quite mild and now that we are heading into spring we are just now getting the gobs and gobs of snow.  But with that unfortunately timed snow comes one of my "must do's" for the winter season.  

The kids (and Scott - that lucky guy) got a snow day last week and we finally got GOOD snow.  You know the kind that packs and that is absolutely perfect for forts, snowballs and the most important 8 ft tall snowman that now adorns our front yard.  This thing is mammoth and I love it.  The only thing that would have made it better was if I was able to stay home and help construct the big guy, but knowing the girls and Scott had a blast doing so is pacifying me for now :).  Plus I get to drive up to this friendly fellow every day after work and so far it has never failed to put a smile on my face.