Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Dance

Okay so I am not a big fan of video games
I've just never got the idea of sitting in front of the TV for hours on end
I would much rather be sitting in front of a book for hours
or be outside, or exercising, or playing with the girls
or be painting something or even cooking
well maybe not cooking...

But now I am hooked
my parents bought this
and we brought our Wii over on Sunday
to our weekly family get togethers to try it out
My mom, my sister, my future sister-in-law, all the kids
and even my hubby
danced the day away for 2 1/2 hours straight
we were all sweating, and laughing and having a ball
My 3 year old loves it
and is darn good
even the 1 year olds got in on the booty shaking

My husband video taped us doing it
and if I can snag my mom's camera I promise to upload
the entire embarrassing hilarious thing

I even asked my mom if we could borrow the game
and played it for an hour at home
by myself
and had so much fun
and my arms ache today
so I know I got in a good workout as well

Just what this family needed since we are starting to
go stir crazy as the snow just doesn't want to go away!

And now I found out they also sell these

Hmmm maybe someone will be getting these in their Easter baskets!

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