Monday, April 4, 2011

The 10 Year Dining Room

I feel like a weight has been lifted
The dining room walls are done
It took the better part of the weekend
but it is done
and I love it
Which is good because by my husband's
calculations, it's staying this way for the next 10 years

Here's a quick look at where we started

My first attempt
I totally went into the store thinking neutral
but ended up picking this color
which I still like....just not on my dining room walls
I was like a kid and something shiny
I got distracted and confused
or as my husband says I was like Cartman from South Park
Scott:  "I thought you wanted a neutral color"
(Oh please, please, please don't pick that color)
Me:  "But it will light up in the sunlight"
this is what Scott heard
I don't care, I'll do what I want! (said in Cartman's voice)

On Friday he finaly conceeded to my begging
and agreed we should re-do the gold paint
In his words
"Well if you want this done you better start priming"
So I grabbed our 5 gallon bucket of primer and went to work
by the end of Friday night it looked like this

Why did I only prime half the wall
Oh didn't I mention
I convinced Scott that we needed to do faux board & batten
to ensure the room had the neutral look we were going for

So next we marked where the batten was to go
we used masking tape so we could get a visual
and move it around to get the exact look we were going for
we ended up spacing them 20 inches apart
and if one of the batten landed on a electrical outlet
we just moved that one a hair
when it is all said and done - you can't even tell
that one or two are slightly under or over 20 inches apart

After we got our measurements for the chair rail
and batten we headed off to Home Depot to pick up our supplies
we used lattice (I don't think this is truly lattice, but that's what HD called it)
for the "batten" and window casing for the chair rail top part
both of these were already primed
It was $30 for the chair rail & around $50 for the lattice

Once we got the supplies home
I taped up the lattice to get a better visual
This was so helpful
we made a few adjustments
and then we were set to nail them in
by we I mean Scott
we had my dad's fininshing nailer
so it made things go much faster 

Lilly was our helper through the whole process
she even put up her own piece of batten
and measured it
and marked it
with a pen
which lead to a conversation of where we
can use pens, crayons, pencils
and where we cannot

Every time the finishing nailer would turn on
the girls would do this

Once all the batten were up
we started painting the top
I let Scott guide the color choice this time
we went with Ozone by Behr Premium Plus
I had them mix it 75% because I was worried about it being
"too much" color
I am very happy with the color
It gives the room such a soothing relaxed feel
I did all the edging and Scott rolled
I hate rolling and would much rather edge
Although I did leave the ceiling edging for him
Hey when you have a husband who is 6 ft & 7
and he doesn't need a ladder for this step
it just makes more sense

Bye bye in your face gold
hello calm soothing blue

Next the chair rail went up
I honestly didn't do much at for this step
This was all Scott
he measured, cut, fit, measured again and nailed them all in
I just followed behind and filled in the holes with wood putty

We painted the bottom half the same color
as the trim in the rest of our house
which is Behr ultra white
in semi-gloss I think

When it was all said and done
it looks like this

so much better
every time I walk in the room
I breath a sigh of relief
and think that I have a wonderful
understanding husband
...who probably deserves a cross bow
this coming fall

As we were painting I would hear
"cross bow" whispered every so often
by the end I think it became his mantra

Now the fun part
some curtains
wall decorations
and we are done
oh yeah...and still figuring out the chair situation


  1. It turned out amazing!! What a great hubby you have :D

  2. that looks amazing! kudos to scott for all his handywork and to you for the design! me crazy...but think about using any leftover paint from the first color (the yellow) for the chairs? with a distressed finish? just throwing it out there...hahah. or the brown color you did on the top of the console would look amazing and brown always look great together. and maybe glaze the bottom white part of the table to match the console you did. this is so much fun redecorating your house... haha :) xoxo

  3. on further inspection, it looks like the bottom of the table is distressed? am i right?
