Friday, June 3, 2011

A Grown Up Bed

So since I have moved out of my parents house
which would be oh about 13 years now
I have never had a grown up bed

It's not like my bed is only a mattress sitting directly on the floor
I mean I've always had a metal frame under the bed
and there was a few year stint in there
where I had a head board that was purchased
on clearance for $60
that moved and made noise
everytime you rolled over in bed

What I am talking about is a headboard & footboard
that match and says
Hey I'm not in collage anymore
I'm a 30 something mother to two crazy girls
and I'm a grown up now
(I may be asking a bed to say a lot)

So when we started our master bedroom re-decorating process
a grown up bed was definitely on the list
So the big search began
I looked online
I scoured the local furniture stores
and went to every thrift store I could find
and after weeks of searching I found this online at Overstock

Stanley King-size Bed

The Stanley Kind size bed
for $342

It was exactly what we were looking for
The bed was going in front of a window so
we wanted metal so we didn't block out any of that
amazing natural light we 6 in the morning
I may be crazy, but I love that the sunshine wakes me up
even if it is at the butt crack of dawn

So we hemmed and we hawed
but in the end we ordered
and on the day I ordered
the bed was marked down to $308
and I had a 10% off coupon
if that isn't a sign it is meant to be
I don't know what is :)

I have never ordered anything on Overstock
but after one time I think I may be hooked
Shipping was $2.95
$2.95 for a king size bed - that's just crazy!
and it arrived on my doorstep just 5 days after ordering
and the nice UPS man put in my garage for me
all the while looking at me funny
because I had this goofy grin on my face
and kept doing my happy dance
I think both the UPS man and Lilly thought I had gone nuts

The bed itself is awesome
it's sturdy and doesn't creak
even when the kids jump on it

It is a perfect fit in our bedroom
and it feels pretty good to finally have a grown up bed :).

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