Thursday, July 21, 2011

Watch our Garden Grow

This year's garden is getting HUGE
We've already gotten an abundance of lettuce
The cucumbers are really starting to come in
And the green beans right off the plant are wonderful

The green peppers are getting bigger daily
and we even tried one jalapeno...
and then tried to put the fire out in our mouth

We are still anxiously awaiting the rest
corn, cherry tomatoes, squash, zucchini, eggplant
onion and cabbage

It is so fun to see the girls interested in growing things themselves
They get a kick out of helping pick the veggies and
checking on them daily to see their progress

The squash is taking over...
I think we need to do a bigger garden next year

We also have pumpkins growing on the side of the house
I can't wait to see the girl's reaction to them
when they actually start to develop things that resemble pumpkins

I'm so happy we did a garden this year
and that we can use it as a learning tool
that the girls can actually touch and see :).

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