Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lazy Weekend

We had a wonderfully uneventful weekend
it was absolutely beautiful out
and we spent as much time as possible
soaking up the sunshine
and time together

The girls are at that age
where they play so well together
and you can really see the love
they have for eachother
which of course makes
my heart swell every time

Not sure what is going on here
Lilly came up with the idea
and of course Nolee followed right along :) 

Morning snack on the front porch
I love sitting out there on a sunny Sunday morning
with my my girls & my coffee 

I can never get enough of her cheesy grin

We put together their own personal
playscape on the back porch
and they thought it was the coolest thing 
and played in their make believe world for hours

This one played so hard
she fell asleep on the living room floor
while reading her book 

I love weekends like this!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Look Ma I Can Fly!

It was so beautiful out this weekend
we decided to play with the camera a bit

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Big Catch

So my parents have a cottage
it's official now

We went up last weekend
we cleaned and moved things around
and the guys set up the grill
and power washed the outside

After we were all done
some of us went for a walk...
and some of us caught our very first fish
and reeled it in all by themselves

All she wanted to do was touch it
and feel it's slimy skin
crazy girl.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Big Parade

One of the last things
we do up north for Nautical Festival 
is attend the annual parade

For a smaller town
this parade is HUGE
There is usually 3-4 bands
clowns, floats and the annual Moran entry
and of course a TON of candy

This year was no different
and the girls loved it
Nolee clapped and cheered
for everyone who went by
and by the end of it
the girls had a bag of candy
that weighed 7 lbs!
and yes we really weighed it

Lilly pointing to the line where she couldn't go past until the parade started

I love this picture of my sister-in-law

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Church on the Lawn

While up north
we got to take part in another
fun tradition

Church on the lawn
at Aunt Peggy's & Uncle Keith's
couldn't ask for a better setting :).

And thanks for the pics Katie!

Treats were enjoyed 

And there was swinging
and playing in the garden

What a ham!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ride Master

Last weekend we made the trip up north
to visit Nana & Papa
and celebrate in Nautical Festival style

Lilly totally suprised us
and wanted to go on ALL the big
kid rides at the carnival

She conquered some big ones
The Ferris Wheel
& The Scrambler

Nolee also loved riding the rides
one in particular...the train
and every time the ride was over she would
cry because she didn't want to get off

After tackling the rides in the 100 degree heat
we headed down the the beach to cool off our feet

and then it was back to Nana & Papa's for a naps

I don't remember the last time I have rocked
one of the girls to sleep...what a nice treat
...oh and the nap was wonderful too :)