Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lazy Weekend

We had a wonderfully uneventful weekend
it was absolutely beautiful out
and we spent as much time as possible
soaking up the sunshine
and time together

The girls are at that age
where they play so well together
and you can really see the love
they have for eachother
which of course makes
my heart swell every time

Not sure what is going on here
Lilly came up with the idea
and of course Nolee followed right along :) 

Morning snack on the front porch
I love sitting out there on a sunny Sunday morning
with my my girls & my coffee 

I can never get enough of her cheesy grin

We put together their own personal
playscape on the back porch
and they thought it was the coolest thing 
and played in their make believe world for hours

This one played so hard
she fell asleep on the living room floor
while reading her book 

I love weekends like this!

1 comment:

  1. I love lazy weekends too! Looks like they had such a fab time together :D
