Friday, October 28, 2011

Photo Blocks

So for Scott's birthday this year
I tried to think of something
that was creative & fun

I remembered him saying that
he didn't have any updated pictures
of our family on his desk

And since we had just
did our awesome sessions
with Carrie House
my wheels immediately started turning

So I looked at what we had
around the house
and came up with the idea
for some photo blocks

I cut my 4 x4 into blocks
using Scott's table saw
and I may have scared years off of both our lives

When cutting my last block my 4x4 was down to about 7 inches long
and I may have been being a scaredy pants
and not holding onto it tightly enough
only because my fingers were fricking close to the actual blade!

Well I still have all my fingers
but a portion of the 4x4 flew off the table saw
and hit the wall with some pretty good force
which I'm extremely thankful it hit the wall
and not me

This brought Scott running out to the garage
I think he was expecting blood
He offered to do the last cut for me
which I gladly accepted

So after my near death experience
I gathered my blocks & the rest of my supplies

I painted all the blocks white
and then attempted the mod podge transfer
I have been seeing all over pinterest

I printed my photos off on a laser printer
brushed a layer of mod podge on my block
and placed the photo on there
ink side down

After they had dried I sprayed them lightly with water
and gently (gently is key here) started to rub the paper off
with my fingers

I found that if I let them dry for just a couple of hours
this worked best
if I let them go for longer
it was harder to get the paper off

Here is what the pictures looked like

This is a good example where I wasn't so gentle
but I liked the worn look so it was okay

I then added another layer of mod podge
on top to protect the pictures
and it made it shiny :)

I also added some letters to the blocks
so they spell out a few different letters
and I figured Scott's students would get a kick
out of playing with them

I roughed up the edges & added
some paint to give them a antiquey look
...and then of course forgot to take more pictures :)

I really like how these turned out
and how simple (and cheap!) this was
I'm already thinking of more
mod podge transfer ideas to try out :)

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