Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Baby Request

So my girls just absolutely LOVE their new little cousin Blake
They can't wait to hold him
and love to give him kisses
and of course touch him
thankfully Nolee has only tried to poke him in the eyes once

We were over at my parents a few weekends ago
and I got these cute pictures

Lilly is such the little mommy

 Nolee patiently waiting her turn

 At this point Lilly informed me the flash was bothering Blake
and she started to shield his eyes - so cute!

I don't know what it is about my babies holding babies
but it makes me smile every time

Doesn't Blake just look like a doll in the next one - he is too cute!

So the other day Lilly asks me"Mommy is there a baby in your tummy right now?
  I really want you to have a baby." 
I told her "No there is no baby in my tummy.  I think Mommy is done having babies."
Then she comes back with this; "Are you sure?  It sure looks like there is a baby in there right now."
...Nice honey - thanks :).

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Saby!!!
    Oh these are just adorable!! He does look like a little doll and the girls look so adorable.
    Gotta love kids, my son said something like that to me once, good thing we love them. :)
