Monday, April 16, 2012

It Has Officially Begun

We are getting a pool!!  Well actually we are getting my parents old pool (still totally awesome in my book).  I have always wanted a pool for as long as I can remember.  You see my parents put this pool in at their house the year I moved out (figures - right?).  Both our neighbors have pools and have gladly allowed us to come over and cool off whenever we want, but it's just not the same as having one in our own backyard where we can come and go as we please and have our own pool parties! You see we are homebodies.  We just aren't the type of people who do a lot of traveling and we are happiest that way.  So the more fun we can add to our happy home the better.  I love the idea of being able to step out my back door into my own little vacation world (even if this world is made up and only exists in my head :).  The girls are beyond excited too by the way and the pool has become a daily topic of conversation between them. 

Before we can put that sucker in though we have a TON of work to do.  We have to dig out the pool location, fill that same location in with sand and level, take down multiple trees, run electrical to that spot, hopefully put an extension off our deck to the pool, actually put up & fill the pool and I'm sure there are a ton of little things (or big things) that I am forgetting.

This is what the back of our house looks like currently

The pool will be going in the general location where Scott is standing in this next picture.  The oak tree on the left will need to be cut the afternoon it will shade the pool and I'm not a fan of cleaning the leaves out of the pool on a daily basis either.

Here is a faint (and by faint I mean you are literally gonna have to squint to see that sucker) outline of our rough estimate of where the pool will go.  The 2 trees at the top of the picture are also on the docket to be taken down.

My brother was kind enough to deliver our sand with one of the farm trucks this weekend.

The girls got a big kick out of watching...from a safe distance.

So now we have the biggest sandbox you have ever seen in our backyard :).  We plan on digging out the pool location and then wheelbarrowing all the sand over to level it out.  And yes my back is already hurting just thinking about it - but I'm super excited to get this process started!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I'm sure the hard work putting it in will be worth it.
