Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lil Miss Smarty Pants

This little one came down with pneumonia last week :(.  We have been busy with breathing treatments, lots of kisses & hugs and trying to make staying inside as much fun as possible.  Good news is - the girls like to share - bad news is they even share pneumonia.  Lilly was diagnosed yesterday and is on the same medications as Nolee now.  Thankfully Nana (my MIL) came down for the whole week to help us out.  The girls were super duper excited and having your Nana at your house for a whole week, sure does make being sick not such a bad thing :).

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! Give them lots of hugs from thei cousins. As Busia would say...been there, done that. xoxo.
