Monday, May 7, 2012

The Pool Saga Continues

Since we've gotten the sand for the pool piled in our yard, we haven't done much since then.  We've outlined and made the final decision about exactly where it will go, and we have done a ton of talking about it.  This Saturday we had some pretty nice weather and decided that was a perfect day to dig out the hole for the pool, & move the sand over into said hole...all by hand.

Don't ask me why I thought this was going to be a cinch (and it was totally my idea).  I mean I knew it would be hard work, but didn't think that much into it I guess.  So after seriously like 20 min I called my brother begging him to bring a tractor down to help because doing it by hand was taking FOREVER (and yes apparently forever in my book means 20 min).

So being the wonderfully awesome brother he is he brought the backhoe down & Scott and Grant got right to tearing our yard apart.  Heck I think they may have even enjoyed it (and yes Scott I see you rolling your eyes while you read this...but you did look like you were having fun).

So our yard started like this...

You can see them digging already in an area the pool is not going...  Scott decided since we had the backhoe there why not dig out the spot for his fireplace area.  He has BIG ideas for this area and I'm nervous totally excited to see how everything turns out.

He wants the fire pit area to be a step down from the rest of the yard with a retaining wall made of rocks.  He is thinking of doing a flagstone area with grass between the flagstones.

There was an amazing amount of rocks and roots under our grass.  Like big honking tree roots every where you looked - crazy.

It was really kind of neat to see Grant run that backhoe like there was nothing too it.  I know I'm weird but it totally made me proud that he just knows how to do stuff like that (oh and my back totally thanks him).  The girls thought it was pretty awesome too. 

Scott cut the lawn shorter where they needed to dig for the pool...that boy is always thinking :). 

Our yard has always been very unlevel so with all this extra dirt we had we decided to try and level out some of the worst spots.

This picture cracks me up - looks like Grant is trying to get "friendly" with the backhoe.

They worked until dark and Grant even cam back over the next morning to level everything off.  It sure does help having family that has access to equipment like this :) (and that are willing to come over and work for beer :).

On a more serious note any prayers you can throw my brother's way would be awesome today.  His little boy, Grayden, who is only 7 weeks old, goes into surgery today. 

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