Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spray Painted Rug

Yup I am that crazy.  I am also that cheap and that impatient.  As I said before I wanted a rug out on our deck to add a little color to all the tans, browns and blahs.  The only problem - outdoor rugs are expensive!  If they aren't expensive then they have no color and are very neutral, which totally defeats my purpose of what I want out there.

I have seen posts about people who have painted rugs.  Search for it on Pinterest and you will get so many cute ideas.  The only problem with that is that every post I read had one thing in common - they were all very time consuming.  I wanted color and I wanted it fast!  So why not spray paint.  I mean spray paint theoretically should hold up better - right?

So I headed off to Home Depot and grabbed a 6 x 9 indoor/outdoor utility rug in a very boring grey, Rustoleum spray paint in aqua & green apple, a can of clear coat and a roll of duct tape.  You should have seen the look I got from the guy at Home Depot when I told him what I planned on doing - I think he was pretty sure I was going to ruin a perfectly good rug.   I then taped off my rug with duct tape in the design I wanted and sprayed away. 

Including the time it took to tape of the rug, this project took a total of 30 minutes to complete and my total cost came in under $32.  Now that's what I'm talking about!!  And the best part - I love how it turned out!

The duct tape worked really well and my lines came out pretty darn great if I say so myself.  I opted to use duct tape because it is wider and so I could tape off that entire grey area and spray both the green & blue colors without having to wait or re-tape.

And here is how it looks with the table (and two camera avoiding little girls) on it.  Oh and those "curtains" are spray painted drop clothes!  We needed something to shield us from the late afternoon sun and that also added a tad bit more color.  The best thing is they are movable so depending on what time of day it is we can maneuver them around the gazebo to keep us shaded :).


  1. $32 even with the rug?? I may have to try this! Xoxo kate

  2. This is great, 30 minutes???? really? That's stinkin amazing! I LOVE it, love your whole porch, so fun and colorful!
