Monday, June 18, 2012

Dance On!

This weekend we attended Scott's cousin's wedding up north.  This is the first wedding that the girls have been to that they have actually been old enough to stay up late enough for some dancing music and oh my did they dance.

They danced while they were doing the speeches and also made a new friend :).

They danced to after dinner music (or if you are Nolee this means you ran around all the other girls over and over in your own private game of ring around the rosie).

They had solos.

And they danced in big groups.

They slow danced with each other (okay these pictures are just too cute).

They danced circles around our me - literally.

They even tried their hand (or hiney) at a little break dancing)...which is not the easiest task in a dress.

And they ended the night crawling through tables out on the deck.

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