Friday, June 1, 2012

Graduation Day

Lilly's graduation celebration was Wednesday and I cannot even tell you how dang cute all those preschoolers were.  There was singing, story telling, dancing, crafting, cake eating, hugging, tons of picture taking and maybe just a few tears :).

Lilly later told me she was very nervous once she walked out and saw all the people in the crowd.

Here she is getting her graduation diploma.

What would a graduation party be without cake!?!

Nolee was so excited to be "part" of everything and it just melted my heart the way Lilly automatically grabbed her hand and included Nolee with all of her friends.

Although Nolee was pretty darn excited about that cookie too - she cracks me up!  I don't know why she does that when she is eating something she really likes...she looks like she is trying to fold herself around it...or just preventing mommy from sneaking in and getting a nibble :).

Then it was time for crafts.

After this next picture Nolee proceeded to wipe that bright pink stamp ink all over the front of her dress...yup that's my girl :).  In her defense there were not any paper towels on the table handy so logical thinking would say your whitesh dress would work just as well...right?

Then it was out to greet Papa driving bus.  Something that absolutely never gets old.  Lilly looks forward to it everytime I have picked her up and Nolee got a pretty darn big kick out of going on the big kid bus to give Papa a hug as well.

And finally a picture with her 3 amazing teachers.  She has loved this year of school so much and I know that I probably should be sad because it did go by so fast and she is growing up so quick, but I'm actually the opposite.  I'm just as excited as she is that she is starting kindergarten and how much she is already learning and how she seems like she is 4 going on 10 most days.  She amazes me how quickly she catches onto concepts and how that brain of hers is always working on overdrive and how she misses nothing (seriously n-o-t-h-i-n-g).  I find all of her accomplishments and faults so interesting and so her and think she is one of most interesting people I know.  These are such fun ages and I'm just excited to enjoy them and see what comes next :). 

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