Monday, June 11, 2012

Schools Out For Summer!

Lilly & Scott's last day was last Thursday and I was lucky enough to take off Thursday afternoon and Friday so we could kick summer vacation off right.  It was beautiful all weekend and we enjoyed every minute.  I even woke up Sunday around 5 am (with a kid on each does that always happen!) thinking it was Monday (ugh) and then realizing it wasn't (yaa!).  I totally love when that happens.

We were able to make it up to our friends new cottage and holy cow is it awesome.  Like as in I actually had to kneel down and feel the floor because it was this really cool laminate made to look like driftwood and is super easy to clean awesome.  Everything was so neat and had such character (there was barn wood in the sun room!).  Anyway it is always such fun getting together with them.  Not only do we get along so well but our kids play together so well.

Nolee just had to try out the big man rockers.

We even went on a pontoon ride around the whole lake!

Scott snapped this pic - I'm in love.

We tried to get all the kids settled down with a movie at the end of the night.  This didn't quite work out as well as planned as our girls were just too dang excited to sleep and we ended up leaving around 11:00.

Of course that was a completely different story once we got in the car.  This was oh about 1 mile down the road from the cottage...seriously.

This one even slept in until 10:00 the next morning.  That is a record by far.

So glad summer is here!

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