Thursday, May 19, 2011

Repurposing an old cabinet door

I picked up this little treasure the other day
on the side of the road mind you
Someone is renovating this awesomely beautiful
old home in our local downtown area
They had placed a bunch of stuff out by
the curb, so of course I just had to
stop and check it all out.

I found this little guy
and just couldn't pass it up
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it
but I knew I would think of something if I gave it long enough

It definitely required a good scrubbing
and I sanded it down
After sanding it though I decided against painting it
I liked all the character coming through already
I even decided against filling the holes from the handle
and not solely just due to laziness :).

We have 3 full albums of wedding photos
that we have basically done nothing with for the past 5 years
So I grabbed a few of my favorites
used a glue stick to adhere them to my door
to get this...

I think it will go perfectly in our bedroom!

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