Thursday, May 19, 2011

White Plank Wall

Well after only a week of painting
every night
 the plank wall is now painted a nice off white

I don't know if I ever shared a before
but here it is
there was absolutely nothing wrong with the room
it just didn't have a very open, airy, relaxing feel to it
I didn't say "ahhhh" when I walked into the room
it was more of an "mehhhh"

This is where we were after 5 hours of putting up the
plank wall using toe board from the Restore
for $28 total!

And here it is now

Yes I know we still need to put the vent back up top
and add some corner trim
(which I found for free yesterday - score!)
but I'm already in love

At first I thought I was going to have to paint the
entire wall with a paint brush, but the roller worked fine
(thank goodness)

So the majority of the wall was pretty easy to paint
but I still had to get between each board
and to do that I used this brush borrowed from
the girls' craft supply

It only took about 3 hours total to do that part
which I split over two nights so I didn't pull my hair out

Here's one more shot of the end result
It adds so much character to the room

Now we only need to get a grown up bed
some decorations
new/used lamps and new/used end tables
hopefully we will be able to slowly accumulate those!



  1. AWESOME!! Toe board from the ReStore...superb idea! I am so glad you shared this! {love}

  2. That looks great! It really adds a lot to the room! It also gives you a lot of options to work with since you painted it such a clean white. It looks fabulous! Way to go.

    I'm visiting from Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading Link Up!

  3. Love that! It was worth the effort, it looks fantastic!

  4. Oh my goodness, I love this so much!!! I would love a wall like that! Great job!!

  5. I've been dying to do this to a wall for some time, but I'm not sure which wall!
    Yours is totally awesome!
    Visiting from Serenity Now.

  6. Great idea! I love the price even more. Visiting from Serenity Now :)
