Monday, January 16, 2012

Nana's Closets

We go over to my parent's house every Sunday
we all hang out
my siblings, my parents & our kids
It's a very nice way to end the weekend
and it's great to see all the kids playing together

It's also fun to go through my old toy boxes
and play with all the old toys
it just brings back floods of memories
and it's fun to tell my kids what I did when I was little

We went through my mom's storage closet downstairs
on a recent Sunday and found my sisters
old dance costumes

Of course I just had to put them on the girls
and then have the girls parade around
and dance and just be goofy

This one was a little shy to begin with

Until she got a look at herself in the mirror :)

These could so be used for some hilarious Halloween costumes

Lilly kind of looks like Gumby
and as soon as Nolee put her's on all I could think
of was Nacho Libre!

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