Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pillow Mountains

This weekend we were all relaxing & watching a movie
and I actually had a seat to myself (very rare)
until the girls did this to me

That is ALL the pillows in the house piled on top of me
They even got their pillow pets in there

Of course after that great fun
we piled all the pillows in the middle of the living room

And practiced our running & jumping

Even Uncle Grant got in on the fun

Then there was hide & seek in the pillow mountain

I love lazy afternoons like this
Now if we would have only flipped the couch over
and made a fort out of it I would have felt 5 all over again :).

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! My son loves doing this with all the pillows and cushions too and will even ask if I need to vacuum the couch cause that means everything comes off into a pile. :)
